Our Spring CSA is 12 weeks of delivery for 2016: mid-April to end of June. Cost of share is $310 (includes 2.5% tax) Pickup is Wednesday afternoons at: 5th Season Gardening 1:30 to 6:30pm UVA Weldon Cooper Center 2:15- 5:30pm SIGNUP for the spring CSA! Each weekly share will include a variety of vegetables. We …
Our fall CSA is 11 weeks of delivery for 2016: September to mid-November. Pickup is at 5th Season Gardening on Wednesday afternoons: 1:30 to 6:30pm and UVA office to be announced. Each weekly share will include a variety of vegetables. We strive to provide 6-8 items weekly. Our goal is to provide lettuce each …
Our Winter CSA is 7 weeks of delivery in December, January, and early February. We hope to deliver each week but snow or slow growth due to cold may mean we will need to skip a week. To allow for this, we offer 7 weeks of delivery over an 12 week period in winter: between Nov 30 and …
CSA Signup for 2016! Please use this form to signup for one of our 3 seasonal CSAs! Our CSA deliveries are: Wednesday afternoon for the Spring and the Fall CSAs. Tuesday afternoons for the Winter CSA. What happens after signing up: You will receive an email asking you to confirm your subscription to the …